Cessna 182 Skylane – aerofly RC 7 aircraft 6

Cessna 182 Skylane in the aerofly RC 7 scenery us-phoenix


The Cessna 182 is a very popular general aviation aircraft with four seats and fixed landing gear. Over 23 thousand were build.

The aerofly RC 7 aircraft of the Cessna 182 was developed from the Aerofly Professional Deluxe (AFPD) aircraft by Ivo Kroutil. Although it does not have the same masses and power as the original AFPD aircraft the aerofly RC 7 aircraft is quite nice to fly. If you try some aerobatics with it be prepared, that this aircraft does also spin quite nicely. With its very soft landing gear it is a little unstable on the ground and requires a little elevator back pressure to keep it straight. Don’t use full brakes when you land on the ground, or the aircraft could flip on its back. Always pull elevator when rolling on grass or descellerating with the wheelbrakes. Speaking about the wheelbrakes, this aircraft is the first in the aerofly RC 7 to have differential wheel brakes. If you deflect the rudder, while you brake the inner wheel will be braked more. That way you can almost turn on the spot.
The flaps create a lot of drag and slow the airplane quite rapidly. But even from a steeper approach the elevator is very efficient and you can pull the nose up very high before the stall softly kicks in. And even if you mess up the landing the soft landing gear will soften the stress on the airframe quite well. I hope that you have a lot of fun with this aircraft!


3D model and original AFPD aircraft:
Ivo Kroutil – http://www.ivok.cz – Cessna 182 Skylane for AFPD

aerofly RC 7 aircraft and slight modifications to the 3D model:
Jan-Hendrik Hanuschik

Cessna 182 Skylane in the aerofly RC 7 scenery mfcsalzburg


  • trainer
  • six-channel aircraft: Aileron, Elevator, Rudder, Throttle, Flaps and Wheelbrakes
  • differential wheel brakes using wheelbrake + rudder
  • does spin if you add aileron into the spin direction – spins better to the left…


2.18 MB - downloaded 4386 times


  1. Download the zip-compressed archieve to your hard drive
  2. De-compress the downloaded file in a temporary directory
  3. Move the folder “cessna182” to your user-folder into the sub-directory “aircraft” which is located at “C:\Users\~\Documents\aerofly RC 7\aircraft\” for my aerofly installation.

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