Aerofly FS 4 – Grunau Baby 2b Free Add-On Download

Grunau Baby 2b am Farrenberg


The Schneider Grunau Baby was a single-seat sailplane first built in Germany in 1931, with some 6,000 examples constructed in some 20 countries. It was relatively easy to build from plans, it flew well, and the aircraft was strong enough to handle mild aerobatics and the occasional hard landing. When the Baby first appeared, it was accepted wisdom that the pilot should feel as much unimpeded airflow as possible, to better sense rising and falling currents of air and temperature changes etc.


Credits and Copyright Ownership

3D model, textures and aircraft model:
Kai Schwämmle (IPACS)

Additional TMD programming and fine tuning:
Jan-Hendrik Hanuschik (IPACS)


Use it at your own risk. This product is a freeware which has been tested on a Windows 10 installation of Aerofly FS 4 and should also work on Mac and Linux versions. Use with VR hands should be supported but is untested. Some features are work in progress and may or may not be extended over time.


Latest Version: 2024-05-10
Tested with: Aerofly FS 4 version (2024-05-10)

25.89 MB - downloaded 144 times


Please extract the downloaded zip file and move the ‘baby2b’ folder into your user folder ‘aircraft’ directory:

Windows PC
C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\Aerofly FS 4\

Mac OS
Macintosh HD⁩/Users⁩/…/Library⁩/Containers⁩/com.aerofly.aerofly-fs-4-mac/⁨Data⁩/⁨Library/Application Support⁩/Aerofly FS 4/


Grunau Baby 2b Hahnweide

Grunau Baby 2b Wasserkuppe

Grunau Baby 2b Burg Teck