Blériot XI – Aerofly FS 1 Add-On Aircraft

Bleriot XI for aerofly FS


The Blériot XI is the aircraft that was used by Louis Blériot on 25 July 1909 to make the first flight across the English Channel made in a heavier-than-air aircraft.

Aerofly FS aircraft made by:
Krzysztof Kaniewski

3D model by:
Chris34 (

Tested: Compatible with aerofly FS version 1.2

18.94 MB - downloaded 1078 times

Bleriot XI for aerofly FS


To install the aircraft decompress the zip-achieve and move the folder “bleriot_xi”
into the user folder of the aerofly FS into the subdirectory “aircraft”.
The user folder is usually located in your own documents (“C:\Users\~\Documents\aerofly FS”) and
the aerofly Wiki provides further information about it:

“C:\Users\~\Documents\aerofly FS\aircraft\bleriot_xi\bleriot_xi.tmd”

The aircraft uses sound files from default aircraft. And because the sounds of the default aerofly FS aircraft
are copyrighted they are not included in this download. They have to be copied over manually and here is the
description on how to do that.

The files of all default aircraft are located within the installation folder of the aerofly FS.
This is the folder where the aerofly main executable is located.
Follow the link to the aerofly Wiki to get further information about the installation folder:

From “InstallationFolder\aircraft\camel” copy all *.tsb files
and from “InstallationFolder\aircraft\discus” copy these files:


and move them into the “bleriot_xi” folder.

Bleriot XI for aerofly FS
Bleriot XI for aerofly FS
Bleriot XI for aerofly FS